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Sires of Champions

The “Sires of Champions” program is meant to reward Kentucky Quarter Horse Association Breeders’ Incentive Fund (KyQHA BIF) stallions, nominated in years 2009 and later, that have sired an All-American Quarter Horse Congress AQHA level 3 Class Champion, or an AQHA World Show level 3 Champion. The stallion must be a KyQHA BIF nominated stallion in the year the Championship was earned.  Sustained stallions are not eligible for the “Sires of Champions” program. 

The Sires of Champions program will make a monetary award to the stallion nominator as follows:

1.    A $2000 prorated distribution to sire (s) of Congress Champion (s) [AQHA Classes only]

2.    A $2000 prorated distribution to sire (s) of AQHA World Show Champions (s)

3.    If the stallion is a one (1) year nominator, the award will be a 20% distribution

4.    If the stallion is a two (2) year nominator, the award will be a 40% distribution

5.    If the stallion is a three (3) year nominator, the award will be a 60% distribution

6.    If the stallion is a four (4 ) year nominator, the award will be an 80% distribution

7.    If the stallion is a five (5) year plus nominator, the award will be an 100% distribution

8.    If the stallion sires more than one champion at either of the events, the stallion is counted only one time in the total number of stallions eligible for an award.


1.    A five (5) year consecutively nominated stallion (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018) sires an All American Quarter Horse Congress Champion in the Open Performance Halter Stallion class. There would be a $2000 payment to that stallion.

2.    A two (2) year consecutively nominated stallion, and a four (4) year consecutively nominated stallion, had Champions at the AQHA World Championship Show. Divide $2000 by 2 stallions = $1000 per stallion; then award 40% and 80% respectively. Payments would be $400 to the two-year stallion; $800 to the four-year stallion.

If your nominated stallion sired a qualified Congress or World show champion, you must notify by email the KyQHA within two (2) weeks of the completion of the show. In this notification indicate the name of the horse, the owner of the horse, the class, and the sire. Award checks will be presented at the KyQHA Annual Awards Banquet in January of each year.

For more information contact:

Coordinator "Sires of Champions" Program
Phone: (888) 367-5742
Fax: (888) 641-3944


     P.O. Box 43386, Louisville, KY  40253

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