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Notes: LNL REALGOODNFANCY is an elegant necked filly by AQHA Champion/Superior Western Pleasure horse “GOOD HUH.” “Fancy” is one of the quickest learning yearlings we have ever owned. She has had a solid foundation of groundwork as can be seen in the video provided [here]. We believe she can be successful in a number of different directions depending on your interests. Her sire is five-panel negative for your peace of mind should you ever consider breeding her. You will want to see her in person so give us a call. As a bonus she is eligible for the [NAERIC Advantage] which pays supplemental dollars to successful horses at approved AQHA horse shows.

Eligibility/Engagements: NAERIC Advantage

Sire Information: 

GOOD HUH (ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR X BET MY ASSET by INVESTMENT ASSET) is a 16H Bay AQHA, sire of Congress Top 3 finisher, Open AQHA Champion Earner of 102 western pleasure points, ROM halter (three Grands), trail points Top 10 World Show 2 year old Western Pleasure, Top 10 Congress Performance Halter Stallions (2007 and 2008) , Multiple World Show Qualifier Winner of numerous all-around and circuit championships. NSBA money-earning sire. Winner of more than $20,000 in NSBA, World Show, and Incentive Fund earnings.

Click [here] for Certificate of Registration front page. 

Click [here] for Certificate of Registration back page.

Sale Price: Inquire


Norm Luba

1308 Gilliland Road

Louisville, KY 40245

(502) 599-2468


     P.O. Box 43386, Louisville, KY  40253

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